DVI to host public meeting to discuss parklets downtown

This week, a sample parklet and public meeting will be set and held at Zodiac Grill to highlight plans for a future downtown parklet program. Here's a look at the details!

A public meeting to discuss a potential parklet program in downtown Jacksonville.  Parklets are small extensions of the sidewalk over on-street parking spaces.  Downtown Vision, the Business Improvement District for downtown Jacksonville, began researching parklet programs in 2014, and in 2015 secured a grant from the Urban Land Institute to help fund development of a Program Manual which would lay out the roadmap for building a parklet.  


Zodiac Grill, 120 West Adams Street


Thursday, June 2, 2016 | 6 pm


Parklets are an excellent way to convert something that Jacksonville’s downtowns is oversupplied with – parking spaces – into symbols of urban vitality and activity. Every person taking advantage of public spaces is an advertisement for downtown and encouragement for others to get actively engaged in the area's renaissance.  Parklets can also provide a boost in revenue to participating businesses, offering a unique way to further develop the retail base that downtowns need.

About Downtown Vision, Inc.

Downtown Vision, Inc. (DVI) is a dynamic, not-for-profit 501(c)6 organization revitalizing Downtown through clean and safe initiatives, experience creation, marketing and information management. Created by commercial property owners through a self-assessment and governed by a board representing Downtown property owners, DVI administers a 90-block Downtown Improvement District. For more information, visit downtownjacksonville.org.