Melissa Ross: Dr. Thomas and Aging

Melissa Ross talks to the very enthusiastic Dr. Bill Thomas about how mental attitudes and misconceptions can affect the physical aging process.

First Coast Connect videos produced by
Starring Melissa Ross
Shot and Edited by Derrick Allen Dillinger
In cooperation with WJCT

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About Bill Thomas

Dr. Bill Thomas is an author, entrepreneur, musician, teacher, farmer and physician whose wide-ranging work explores the terrain of human aging. Best known for his health care system innovations, he is the founder of a global non-profit (The Eden Alternative) which works to improve the care provided to older people. He is the creator of The Green House® which Provider Magazine has called the “pinnacle of culture change.” Dr. Thomas also developed the Senior ER model of care and is now working to transform the acute care services provided to elders.
His synthesis of imagination and action led the Wall Street Journal to highlight Dr. Thomas as one of the nation’s “top 10 innovators” changing the future of retirement in America and US News and World Report to name him as one of “America’s best leaders.” The magazine noted his “startling commonsense ideas and his ability to persuade others to take a risk,” and concluded that “this creative and wildly exuberant country doctor has become something of a culture changer–reimagining how Americans will approach aging in the 21st century.”

Dr. Thomas recently starred in the Sundance award-winning documentary Alive Inside. He has been traveling the country since 2014 starring in what he calls his Age of Disruption Tour, a “nonfiction theater performance” that has played in over 70 cities. “People hear that a doctor is coming to town to talk about aging and they expect me to show up wearing a white coat with PowerPoint slides. I show up with a guitar, a bass player, a theater set, costumes, music, art, mythology, storytelling, biography, and neuroscience all mixed up. It’s kind of like a TED Talk on steroids.”

Age Disruptor Tour
Created by Dr. Bill Thomas, one of the most innovative and creative thinkers working in medicine today, the Tour brings a radical new approach — and conversation — to growth and aging. The 2016 tour features Disrupt Dementia, a community-based workshop, and Dr. Thomas’ signature “non-fiction theater” performance, Life’s Most Dangerous Game, featuring the unconventional pairing of a physician (Dr. Thomas) and a musician, Nate Silas Richardson.

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Melissa Ross