One Gaily Step Forward, One Tradition Stepped Back

Duval, Clay and Baker counties are ending courthouse weddings to avoid marrying gay couples.
Duval, Clay and Baker counties are ending courthouse weddings to avoid marrying gay couples. The decision stems from the fact that U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle could rule any day now and make gay marriage legal across the state of Florida. If same-sex marriage is allowed, Duval Clerk of Courts Ronnie Fussell, Clay Clerk Tara Green and Baker Clerk Stacy Harvey will have no choice but to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples. Yet, to avoid performing ceremonies for them, these clerks have decided to end all courthouse weddings due to the backdrop of Conservative Christianity. Lovely how these counties are regressing us back to the sandbox and throwing a temper tantrum for not having their way. Nonetheless, this just means more Riverside-backyard ceremonies done for cheap, catered by Moon River Pizza and wedding cakes created by Publix (or whatever tastes the couple in question prefers). Just wondering, however, how the straight community feels about the stripping of this courthouse tradition. Will there be backlash against the gay-community for progression in equality, or resentment against the County Clerks for malpractice of power?

Editorial by Major Stephenson. Contact Major at