F3 Brings Free Workouts for Jax Men

Metro Jacksonville brings a guest writer to the site: My name is Chaser, a current member of F3 in Columbia, SC. I have three simple questions for the men of Jacksonville: Do you need more accountability? Do any current men in your life hold you accountable? Who is the best option to have in holding you accountable? I have some thoughts on the likely answers to these questions, but first, why accountability in the first place?
Guest article sponsored by F3

My name is Chaser, a current member of F3 in Columbia, SC. I have three simple questions for the men of Jacksonville:  
Do you need more accountability?  
Do any current men in your life hold you accountable?  
Who is the best option to have in holding you accountable?  
I have some thoughts on the likely answers to these questions, but first, why accountability in the first place?  The answer is because, no matter how “together” and in control we men want to appear to be, the truth is that we can be better in most areas of our life.  Be it physical fitness, being a husband to a wife, a father to a child, employee to an employer or vice versa…I could go on and on describing relationships in which grown men can mess up couldn’t I?  We are all getting older, most of us are also getting fatter, and none of us are as good at this life thing as we thought we would be at this point.  We all want to be better…so how do we get there?  

We all believe that we have the discipline to achieve our potential but the evidence is against us.  It lies in the old fast food bag in the floorboard of your car, in the $50 per month, rarely-used,  gym membership card dangling from your key chain and in the relationships where you’ve failed those to whom you have made promises.  We all have these examples.  Why do men have the evidence of their failures piling up all around them?  No accountability.

Who needs accountability?  EVERYONE.  We are flawed.  Left to our own devices we reek havoc on our own lives.  The evidence lies in the growing pudge around our belts, the ruin in our bank accounts, the foods/substances we abuse, the lies we tell ourselves daily and the relationships we have damaged.  We all have examples of this…no one is immune.

Who holds you accountable?  For grown men the answer is generally, NO ONE.  Grown men present the toughest accountability challenge of any demographic.  We are the largest of the species making accountability from anyone physically smaller than us naturally difficult.  We often take on huge burdens and responsibilities in part to show everyone how much we can do.  This too adds a barrier to accountability as, in our own minds, no one has the leverage to call us onto the carpet.  So, who holds grown men accountable?  Very often the answer is no one.  Many of us say whatever we want and do only what we want with very little fear of being called on our missteps.

Who is best suited to hold a grown man accountable?  Other GROWN MEN!  If nothing more, physically one grown man has the ability to hold another accountable merely by being his physical equal.  The psychological impact of this is real.  Another grown man also shares the same responsibilities to his family, shares the same temptations and falls in the same traps as the other.  Giving him the ability to say to another man like no one else can, “I’ve been there and you can do better”.  From one man to another, it works.

Do you need this accountability to get in shape and to be the man you can be?  (Hint: the answer is YES, we ALL do.)  The answer can be something called F3 (Find the story of F3 here: https://f3nation.com/about-us/).  The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.  In other words:  Make men better men and thereby better leaders.  F3 is a FREE workout led by the men who attend the workouts (no professional trainers) and its members hold each other accountable.  Workouts are early in the morning to get our physical fitness taken care of before our families rise, before our responsibilities for the day take over.  Decide it’s too early and you just want to sleep in?  A fellow F3 brother texts you at 8am “Where were you?”  Take a few more days off like you have been doing for years at the gym…and you’ll get more and more texts (and calls and tweets and emails) calling you onto the carpet.  Men everywhere are missing this key piece to healthy living: true male friends who struggle with the same issues.  How many times has the gym called you to ask why you slept through that workout you promised yourself you’d do that morning?  None.

F3 goes deeper than your waistline though.  F3 groups from Richmond, Virginia, across the Carolinas, to Tennessee through Georgia and over into Louisiana and Dallas, Texas have made impact on many lives, on the lives of the families of the men who participate and, most of all, on the men themselves.  The list is long but here are just a few examples…

* Supporting Operation Enduring Warrior: https://youtu.be/tIP7sUdd5i8

* Supporting an F3 brother who’s wife fought through cancer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWj2LW9Nl3Eand https://www.wistv.com/story/22859801/f3-columbia-isnt-just-about-shedding-the-pounds  

* Supporting those in need: https://f3nation.com/2014/11/18/families-helping-families-preblast/ and https://f3nation.com/2015/03/16/the-mission/

The goal?  Iron Sharpens Iron.  F3 uses man to man accountability to strengthen each man for the betterment of self and, in turn, the betterment of our families and our communities.  With F3, men physically, mentally and, in turn, spiritually stronger, enter the world everyday to take on the responsibilities of life.

F3 works, plain and simple.  Hundreds (getting VERY close to thousands) of men are getting better morning after morning here in the southeast.  AND, F3 is coming to Jacksonville on Saturday, April 25.  Our first workout will be at Alexander Oaks Park (aka JEC Park), in the San Marco area, beginning at 7am.  ALL MEN 18 and over, ABSOLUTELY all fitness levels, are welcome.  You DO NOT need to get in shape for F3.  All men need fitness and, as we all know, most men are not fit.  So, if you’re not fit you’ll be in good company!  Even if you are fit…you probably can’t keep up with the F3 Nation brothers coming to lead these first workouts so come test yourself!  After the workout we’ll welcome you into our group and then go grab coffee to get to know you better.  There is no cost for the workout…WE GIVE THIS AWAY.  Please come give it a try.  Welcome accountability into your life.  Like fitness…we all need it.  I, along with many of my F3 brothers, will see you just before the 7am workout starts and we look forward to meeting you!  


Guest article sponsored by F3