Behind the scenes at TEDxJacksonville: Stage design

As the TEDxJacksonville team close in on October 26, we are working fast and furious to ensure our audience has the best experience at this multi-disciplinary one-day conference.
As the TEDxJacksonville team close in on October 26, we are working fast to ensure our audience has the best experience at this multi-disciplinary one-day conference. The speakers have been chosen and are being prepped, the catering is in the works, the program is being designed, the signs and banners have been ordered and the tickets are selling.

Here’s some behind the scenes scoop on what the team has been concentrating on for the past couple of weeks – stage and experience design. We at TEDxJacksonville know that our audience is as extraordinary as the speakers. We know that the TEDx experience is compelling because of the unexpected insights and powerful inspirations that come about when the intellectually curious get together. To ensure that our audience has the best experience, one of the areas we are working on is stage and experience design.

Half our work is taken care of for us because of the fantastic venue available to us from WJCT. At TEDx, great stage design is critical to how the day turns out, both for the live audience and for those who view the videos on the web. An attractive stage is pleasing to look at for a long period of time, but not so elaborate as to distract the audience. Without giving too much away, here’s a sneak peek at how the TEDxJacksonville team is working to ensure that October 26th is flawlessly beautiful.

If you want to be a part of TEDx Jacksonville follow the link.

Over the next month TEDxJacksonville team will be providing with information about their event and the people connected to it. We'll be posting their commentary to the front page on a weekly basis. Their team is completely open to dialoguing as they want to provide as much behind the scenes insight as they can.

We're excited to be working with this group of bright and motivated individuals on the TEDxJacksonville project.