DDRB to Evaluate Revisions to Brooklyn Retail Project

Fuqua Development's proposed Riverside Avenue commercial project is back before the Downtown Development Review Board and the site design appears to be more pedestrian unfriendly than the previous concept.
Atlanta-based Fuqua Development is proposing to develop a 53,000 square foot retail center on Riverside Avenue, adjacent to the JTA Skyway Operations Center.  Many urban advocates believe the site design is too autocentric. However, the developer has suggested the design must be this way in order to secure agreements with national tenants to locate to Brooklyn. Fuqua Development is now seeking the approval of the Downtown Development Review Board (DDRB) for specific modifications and deviations related to last month's conceptual design approval.

General Information

DDRB application 2013-008 is before the DDRB requesting to modify the April 4, 2013 previously approved conceptual plan and to request deviations that: 1) increase the allowable parking, and 2) permit relocation of the landscape requirements along Riverside Avenue. The proposed development consists of two parcels described as follows: Parcel 1- bound on the north by Magnolia Street, on the west by Jackson Street, on the south by Riverside Avenue and on the east by Stonewall Street. Parcel 2 – bound on the north by Magnolia Street, on the west by Stonewall Street, the south by Riverside Avenue, east by vacant property and a circular access to Leila Street. Parcel 1 includes: 3 proposed buildings totaling 38,700 square feet and Parcel 2 includes: 1 proposed building of 15,000 square feet, totaling 53,700 square feet of single story development. Parcel 2 shows a drive-thru facility in association with a proposed pharmacy operation which will require DDRB approval, prior to final DDRB approval of the development master plan. The site has a number of unique characteristics that include extreme grade changes, locational issues regarding existing utility lines, client specific development requirements, and JTA easements for future development that include aerial restrictions along Riverside Avenue frontage. Presently, the site is vacant and undergoing remediation for ash contamination.

The proposed modifications address comments by the DDRB from the April 4, 2013 conceptual approval meeting.

Proposed modifications include the following:

(1) relocation of the grocer delivery dock, removal of angle parking and relocation of dumpster from Magnolia Street,

(2) providing a pedestrian link from Riverside Avenue to grocery store front, and

(3) rearrangement of the shops and restaurants fronting Riverside Avenue and Stonewall Street.

Additionally, the applicant is requesting deviations prior to final approval to:

(1) allow an increase in the parking requirement to for the development and

(2) allow the developer to relocate the landscape requirement to JTA’s easement area applicable to the Riverside Avenue frontage.

The applicant is requesting the referenced deviation prior to final approval to provide certainty and agreement from DDRB on-site constraints as presented before moving forward on civil design. The applicant is requesting approval of a Modified Conceptual Plan and will be required to present a final plan for review and approval by the DDRB prior to permit issuance.

Previous Site Plan Concept:

The previous site plan featured indicates a shopping center setback from the street with retail/restaurant outparcels lining Riverside Avenue.

Revised Site Plan Concept on Next Page

Revised Site Plan Concept:

The revised plan reduces the amount of pedestrian scale retail lining Riverside Avenue, partially in an effort to increase the amount of surface parking. While the Downtown Overlay requires 178 parking spaces.  The development plan proposes 224 parking spaces which is a difference of 135 parking spaces.  This is due to the anchor tenant requiring additional parking to draw customers from a larger trade area, other than the Brooklyn Riverside District.

the Downtown Development Review Board staff recommends modification to the conceptual approval of DDRB Application 2013-008 subject to the following conditions:
1. Prior to final DDRB approval, the applicant shall show compliance with Section 656.361.11.-Setback or “Build to Lines” for buildings not providing pedestrian orientation to Riverside Avenue, Jackson Street, and Stonewall Street or receive a deviation from the DDRB prior to final approval.

2. Prior to final DDRB approval, the applicant shall receive final approval for an Exception to allow drive-thru operations on Parcel 2 for the proposed pharmacy operation.

3. Prior to final DDRB approval, the applicant shall show compliance with Section 656.361.13.-Entrances for buildings not providing entrances to Jackson Street, Magnolia Street, and Stonewall Street or receive a deviation from the DDRB.

4. Prior to final DDRB approval, the applicant shall receive approval from Department of Public Works for angular parking on to property from public right-of-way and shall show compliance with Section 656.361.16. Off-Street Parking Overlay or receive a deviation from the DDRB to increase parking spaces.

5. Prior to final DDRB approval, applicant shall receive approval from Department of Public Works Traffic Engineering for project access including design and location for Jackson Street, Magnolia Street and Stonewall Street.

6. Prior to final DDRB approval, applicant shall show compliance with Section 656.361.18.- Transparency for buildings facing Jackson Street, Magnolia Street, and Stonewall Street or receive a deviation from the DDRB.

7. Prior to final DDRB approval, applicant shall provide documentation addressing surface parking over May Street right –of-way for buildings located on Parcel 2.

8. Prior to final DDRB approval, applicant shall provide complete landscape and hardscape drawings showing compliance with Section 656.361.20.-Streetscape Design Standards including pedestrian areas adjacent to Riverside Avenue. Plans not meeting the Streetscape Design Standards shall receive a deviation from the DDRB.

And approval of the following deviations:

1. Office of Economic Development (OED) staff recommends approval of the deviation to permit the applicant to increase parking by 135 spaces, for a total of 224 spaces with the condition, “should the site plan be modified showing additional parking spaces in excess of the 224 parking spaces, the applicant shall receive approval, for an amendment to the deviation, allowing the additional parking spaces prior to final DDRB approval”.

2. OED staff recommends approval of the deviation to permit the applicant to relocate the required landscape screening requirement for the surface parking of the development in the Riverside Avenue right-of-way, with the condition, “should the COJ take back use of the right-of-way on Riverside Avenue, and the applicant will relocate the required landscape screening on site”.

Note: The above two deviations at conceptual are requested by the applicant to provide certainty and agreement from DDRB on the site constraints as presented before moving forward on civil design.

This project will be on the Downtown Development Review Board's (DDRB) May 2, 2013 meeting agenda.  The meeting will be held at:

City Hall at St. James, 117 West Duval Street
Lynwood Roberts Room
Thursday, May 2, 2013 - 2:00 p.m.

Development update by Ennis Davis

Source: DDRB May 2, 2013 Meeting Agenda