'VEER”ing toward Greatness

Local film maker Patrick Barry will be showing his five year in the making film 'VEER' at Sun-Ray Cinema from March 1- March 7, 2013. Veer is incredible story about a skateboarder who has to redefine his life and purpose when the dreams he has been following have died.

VEER begins showing at Sun-Ray on March 1, 2013. Click for showtimes.

Greatness is not always measured through the number of achievements you have accomplished or by how many people praise your name. Greatness is achieved through the passion you show for something. How hard you strive to make a dream, any dream, come true.
This is the case with Patrick Barry. He may not be a household name or seen in magazines all over the world or even have a film playing at your local multiplex. Yet, those who know Patrick know that there is a greatness that is springing forth in all the projects he attempts, even if he doesn't see it himself.

Patrick Barry

Patrick Barry has been making films for close to a decade now. He first began his foray into film while studying art at Florida State University, it should be noted that he was rejected twice from the film program at the prestigious school. While attending the university he began making small 16mm films with his roommate and it was here the love of film took hold and never let go. During his senior year he was building toward shooting his first feature film.

The film would be what is classified as a “road” movie. He had procured a suburban and had his script together when one day the suburban broke down. He was told it was going to cost more to fix it than the thing was worth. Patrick decided to scrap the script and move on. After graduating from Florida State University he, and his wife, decided to move back to Jacksonville, instead of trying to see what adventures await in New york or Los Angeles, and began working on making other films. In his own words it wasn't until he made the short film “Haberdash” that Patrick first began to see his skill for the craft start to flourish and find a focus. From there he began making more and more short films to develop a sense of style and his own voice. He wrote constantly and made films when he could trying all he could to keep the dream going. He currently teaches an 8mm film class at Flagler College in St. Augustine where he shares his love for film making and the knowledge he has acquired over the years to aspiring filmmakers. He is also currently working on adapting a screenplay with Al Letson.

Jessie Gay

In early 2008 Patrick came across the idea for a film that now has become his calling card for the past 5 years. VEER started as a short film about a down on his luck former champion skateboarder, who now spends his days riding the streets of Jacksonville looking for the lost glory days. It was an experimental project that was shot in black and white and had no dialogue, instead incorporating subtitles for the character's lines and interaction. The film received a lot of praise while showing at the Jacksonville Film Festival and it was in 2009 that Patrick decided to expand the idea into a feature length film. He quit his job and began writing the feature with fellow co-writer (and star of VEER) Jessie Gay.

Official VEER trailer on the next page.

The two worked on shaping the premise and themes of the short film into an intricate and multifaceted journey for the character. The script was completed later in the year and now it was on to the next step of getting the film made. Patrick began shooting the film in February and March of 2010 with a shooting schedule consisting of 4 days a week over that time period. Then for the next year Patrick spent time refining the film working on editing, sound effects, and ADR. All of this proving to be quite a challenge considering the different formats that were used to shoot the film.

At St. Augustine Film Festival

Patrick used 16mm film mixed with digital. This was used to give the film a different aesthetic and feeling between the scenes that are in color and those that are black and white. The film is currently finished and has been making its way around various film festivals around the country. But for Patrick it will always be an experience that has its roots in Jacksonville.

Almost all of the film was shot entirely in the Jacksonville area and used all Jacksonville crew. It was a truly local event for the film scene of the area. Patrick was able to get the rights to shoot at the Old Haden Burns building. He talked with local business owners and shot at Shantytown and other locations around the area. All of the skate competition footage was shot at Kona skate park. He also used the local musicians to create his soundtrack for the film. Including such acts as Crash the Satellites, After the Bomb Baby!, Juicy Pony, and Kristina Wagner.

Patrick was even able to secure the services of Chad Landenburger, a local graphic artist, to design logos for skateboards in the movie. It was a movie that showed the richness of Jacksonville both in look and talent. The film is loaded with shots and scenes that any Jacksonville native will notice immediately. Patrick was able to use the various locales almost like a character itself. The film brings the city to life as the characters of his film transverse its streets and their own lives. One scene in particular where the protagonist of the film, Jesse, is riding his skateboard down the side ramp of the Main street bridge, as Patrick and crew follow along in a car, elicits such a feeling of freedom that it is hard to ignore. The scene stylistically is very cinematic and in many ways is the epitome of the themes or ideas set forth by the film.

At Ft. Lauderdale Film Festival

For me, the film VEER! Is an exceptional film that tackles a question some of us may have asked before: What do I do when my dream has died? It is not a depressing or downtrodden film. But a story of someone trying to find their way in this world when the only thing they know to do no longer works for them. The film has a passion for its subject and the story it is trying to tell. This will draw anyone into the film that gives it a chance. It is very human. Very touching. And at times it does make you wonder if dreams do come true.

As for Patrick I think in many ways his dream with this film did come true. He was able to make a film he truly had passion for and was able to work with a great cast and crew. And as Patrick Barry says, “The film shows the talent of Jacksonville. It is a great testimonial of all the exceptional talent, artists, bands, and filmmakers and what they can do together”. With this statement alone one can see how Patrick and his film are headed for greatness.

Click here for showtimes.

Article by Jeremy Tidwell