DVI: Existing Mobility Plan Benefits Downtown

According to Downtown Vision's advocacy blog, the mobility plan should be allowed to run its course. Today, Metro Jacksonville shares DVI's position on Councilman Clark's proposed mobility plan moratorium and why they believe it would detract from Downtown revitalization efforts.
The 2030 Mobility Plan was instituted in 2011 as a land-use and transportation strategy to support a variety of transportation modes, reduce vehicle miles traveled, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote compact and interconnected land development and improve the health and quality of life for Jacksonville residents.

In a nutshell, the plan incentivizes new development projects that utilize existing infrastructure in denser, urban areas by requiring lower mobility fees in those areas than in suburban and rural areas. Assessed mobility fees fund roadway, pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvement projects to address mobility gaps and deficiencies. Specifically, the plan takes into account transit accessibility and connectivity, pedestrian-friendly urban design, mixed-used development and land-use density.

In 2011, shortly after the mobility fee was implemented, City Council enacted a moratorium—as many cities did—to spur development in the face of the challenging economy. With little proof that the moratorium achieved the full, desired effect, City Council allowed the moratorium to sunset in October 2012.

Last week, a new piece of legislation, Ordinance 2013-94, was introduced to City Council requesting a three-year moratorium of the Mobility Plan for single-family development.

If passed, a renewed moratorium would create a competitive disadvantage for the mixed-use, multifamily development critical to Downtown revitalization. Instead, the moratorium would favor further sprawling single-family subdivision development that is difficult to support in urban areas and hinder the mixed-use, multi-family development that will result in a stronger tax base, fewer impacts on public infrastructure and a more bicycle, pedestrian and transit-friendly Jacksonville.

DVI believes the Mobility Plan benefits Downtown and that a three-year moratorium on the Mobility Plan for single-family development will detract from Downtown revitalization efforts.

What you can do

Email City Council in opposition of Ordinance 2013-94.

Attend the Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 and speak against the ordinance.

source: Downtown Vision, Inc. - https://downtownjacksonville.org/blog/2013/02/12/existing-mobility-plan-benefits-downtown/