Muslims in Jacksonville Condemn Boston Attacks

The bombing in Boston was a horrific event that has caused pain, not only to those who lost loved ones, but to every American citizen whose sense of security lies within the freedom that is inherent to being an American citizen. Jacksonville’s very own Islamic Center has made several attempts to publicly speak out against the bombings as acts prohibited by the Quran, but their condemnations have not been heard by the general public as Jacksonville media did not cover such an announcement. Here is one of their statements:
Islamic Center of Northeast Florida
Special Announcement

Whosoever kills a human being, for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if the person has killed all of humanity, and whosoever saves the life of one person, it shall be as if they have saved the life of all humanity. (Quran 5:32)


Community stands in solidarity with citizens of Boston

Jacksonville, FL. (April 19, 2013) – The Islamic Center of Northeast Florida unequivocally condemns the bombings in Boston. We join our fellow Americans in mourning the loss of innocent lives and are saddened to witness the many who have suffered catastrophic injuries. No grievance can ever justify terrorism and random acts of violence. We thank law enforcement for their diligence in going after the perpetrators and we applaud all first-responders for their heroism in responding to this horrific tragedy. We also express our special gratitude to all those bystanders whose first instinct was to run towards the chaos and help the fallen. Islam rejects terrorism in all its forms and it protects the sanctity of all human life.

We stand in solidarity with the citizens of Boston and with our fellow Americans.  

The Islamic Center of Northeast Florida is one of the oldest Islamic institutions on the First Coast of Florida. Our vision is to raise consciousness of Islam amongst our constituents, empowering them to be faithful and productive members of American society. To achieve our vision we provide holistic religious, social, and educational services fostering devotion towards the worship of God Almighty by following the Quran and the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad.

source: The Islamic Center of Northeast Florida.

Article by Kelsi Hasden