JAX 2025: Calling all Visioneers!

The Jacksonville Community Council's (JCCI) community-owned initiative destined to create an implementable shared vision for Jacksonville moves to the next stage this weekend. This session will focus on creating strategies to implement the vision. Here's a message about Saturday's event from the JCCI.
Jacksonville's future depends on you...on all of us. Thousands of us have joined together to speak up, take the survey, attend the events, and craft a vision. This is a community-led and community-owned vision, and now we need YOUR HELP to make it real!

The next JAX2025 Visioning Event is this Saturday, April 27,2013.  This session will focus Visioneers on discussing action strategies - how we can all make this vision a reality.  

For those of you who have been ready to discuss strategy and action plans from the beginning, THIS IS YOUR MEETING!

JAX2025 Visioning Event
Action Planning: Making JAX2025 Real

Saturday, April 27th
9a.m.- 11a.m.
(doors open at 8:30 am)
The Prime Osborn Convention Center

Free admission, coffee, and parking

Click Here to Register

We need voices from all segments of our community. We need voices representing all opinions, community assets, neighborhoods, ages, and causes – this is the most important element of JAX2025.  

Unlike the past two sessions - you will spend Saturday's event focused on the one Target most important to you.   You can read all Ten Targets you've identified and the vision statements you've crafted by clicking here. This is the step that will take us from Vision to Action.

Don't just be part of this important JAX2025 visioning event,  invite your friends, colleagues, supporters and neighbors to join you.

Give us two short hours - they will be put to good use, creating a city that we can all be proud of, and a legacy to provide for future generations.

How YOU Can Help

1. Come to the meeting on Saturday! Add your voice to the discussion.

2. Send/Forward this JAX2025 email message to your email lists, co-workers, and neighbors.

3. Post JAX2025 events in your own events calendar.

4. Like JAX2025 on Facebook and share our posts on your own page.

5. Follow JAX2025 on Twitter and re-tweet our messages to your groups. We’re tweeting at @JAX2025.

By getting engaged in this process you can make sure that the issues and ideas that most matter to you are included.

The more Visioneers attending Saturday's event, the better and stronger the strategies will be to carry out this vision for the year 2025.

Thank you in advance for all that you do to make our community better.

We're looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!