The Green Revolution at MOSH

The Museum of Science and History opens a new traveling-without-travel exhibit that teaches the community the importance of going green by choosing to reduce, reuse and recycle in a revolutionary way.
There’s a new exhibit in town, one that is so environmentally friendly that once it leaves Jacksonville there will be virtually no carbon footprint left behind. It’s the Green Revolution.

The Museum of Science and History (MOSH) has partnered with the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) to enlighten audience members on the importance of going green and how to better utilize their own resources in order to contribute.  The exhibit operates in an innovative way to practice what it preaches.

The Green Revolution is made up of private design files, graphics, fabrication plants, suggested recyclables and interactive software that is transferred from a secure website to a computer.  The museum it’s rented to, in this case MOSH, then takes the blueprints and molds them into their own “eco-zibit.”

The entire package costs $5 thousand, an exceptionally reduced rate compared to the price of standard touring exhibitions.  By not using trucks to travel, or other environment-depleting resources, the Green Revolution not only introduces a more efficient way of transferring material, but also allows the community to become engaged in its development.

The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago featured the Green Revolution as a part of their annual "Black Creativity Celebration" by focusing on African-Americans who are prominent in the green movement. photo cred: MOSI

Each city the “eco-zibit” lands in has something specific that could use better conservation and it can be given special attention by the way the museum chooses to highlight it in the program.  By shedding light on matters that are important to the  area, the exhibit encourages the public to help with the health of the community.  

The Peggy Noebaert Nature Museum in Chicago turned the exhibit into "Bikes! The Green Revolution," which showed how to green by choosing the cycle rather than drive in the area. photocred: The Chicago Sun-Times

MOSH's Green Revolution program examines the amount of plastic bags consumed by Americans and emphasizes the statistic by decorating the ceiling with a chain of them. To build the rest of the exhibit, the museum gathered pallets, tires, plastic bottles and aluminum cans among other recycled items around Jacksonville and its entire source of electricity is generated by an old bicycle.

The McKinley Presidential Library and Museum in Ohio focused on green energy with the Green Revolution. photocred:

The major themes of the “eco-zibit” are divided into five sections: Carbon Footprint, Composting and Gardening, Energy, Hybrid House and Waste Not.  All together, they provide simple solutions to protect Earth’s fragility by concentrating on its most basic components – air, water, soil and wildlife – in a way that ensures an interesting method of conservation for everyone.

The Green Revolution premiered at MOSH Oct. 13 and will be on display giving tips the community can use to reduce, reuse and recycle in order to make Jacksonville a cleaner, greener place, until Jan. 6, 2013.

article by Melanie Pagan

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