JAX 2025: Imagine it. Build it. Reach it.

The Jacksonville Community Council, Inc. (JCCI) launches a community-owned initiative destined to create an implementable shared vision for Jacksonville and wants your help.
Imagine it. Build it. Reach it

Every great city has a vision of itself and what it will be. In Jacksonville, we aren’t what we were, and we don’t know what we want to be. But we do know this: we won’t stay the same. Now is the time to decide what kind of community we want to be in the year 2025. JAX2025 is not just about creating a vision; it’s about creating our future.

What kind of Jacksonville do we want to create? Twenty years ago, Jacksonville residents came together for the Jacksonville Insight process, which resulted in River City Renaissance and many improvements downtown. Today, however, Jacksonville lacks a shared vision of what the city could be and how we will get there. Now is the time for Jacksonville residents to shape our own destiny.

JAX2025 is a community-owned and -driven initiative funded entirely by private donations. It is facilitated by JCCI – the Jacksonville Community Council Inc. and belongs to everyone in the city. Every resident will have an opportunity to contribute to making the JAX2025 vision a reality. JCCI, an organization with a 37-year history of validated research and consensus-building to create community change, will facilitate Jax2025 from visioning through execution.

JAX2025 is about action and change. It’s about becoming the city we could be by creating a shared vision, finding solutions and making them real, and identifying leaders for our future.

Will this work?

You CAN make a difference

There are so many priorities in a city as big as Jacksonville it can feel like your individual voice is too faint to be heard through all of the noise. This is your chance to share your thoughts and ideas about Jacksonville’s future.

We are asking that every resident of Jacksonville participate in this process by taking the community survey, by requesting a presentation to your civic, business, social, faith, school or community group, and by participating in at least one of four community meetings.

The survey takes just five to ten minutes to complete but can make a lifetime of difference for your children, your grandchildren, your neighbors, and all of us who call Jacksonville home.

About the survey

We’re conducting this survey as part of a large community effort to develop a vision for Jacksonville for the year 2025. We’d like your opinion on what it’s like to live, work, and play in Jacksonville. We are particularly interested in what you think is good about Jacksonville – what we should work to preserve,  as well as those aspects about living in Jacksonville that you would like to see improved.

We’ve tried to keep this survey short and sweet, with just over a dozen questions. We’ve also provided places for you to let us know if we forgot to ask about something important to you. Thank you for your help on this important project!

Click here to take the community survey.