The Issues by Mayoral Candidate Mike Hogan

With the runoff election fast approaching on May 17th, let's take a look at the top priorities that mayoral candidate Mike Hogan will pursue as mayor.
Mike Hogan On The Issues

Mike Hogan is a Proven Conservative


While in the legislature, working with Governor Jeb Bush, Mike Hogan voted to cut nearly $700 million in taxes. As Jacksonville’s next mayor, Mike Hogan will not support any tax increases or new fees. While others have been a part of the problem, Mike Hogan has a proven tax-cutting record.


Mike Hogan is the only candidate in this race with a proven record of fighting on behalf of Florida’s gun owners. He fought against legislation that would have virtually halted our gun shows and voted for legislation that prohibits state and local governments from suing gun manufacturers. Mike has an A Rating from the NRA.

As Jacksonville’s next mayor, Mike Hogan will continue to fight for the Second Amendment, beginning with an end to the City of Jacksonville’s affiliation with Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a deceptively-named national organization that often puts gun control over crime prevention.


Mike Hogan’s efforts to root out fraud and abuse have resulted in the arrest of illegal aliens with criminal records who were trying to obtain driver’s licenses. Mike will continue these efforts as Jacksonville’s next mayor.


Mike Hogan believes all life is precious and firmly believes in protecting the life of the unborn. Mike Hogan will never back down from his commitment to compassionately stand for the sanctity of life.

Mike Hogan is a Proven Conservative putting taxpayers FIRST!


Jacksonville is uniquely positioned to create a business environment unlike any other in America that fosters entrepreneurship and small enterprise. Small business entrepreneurs create more jobs and more opportunities than large employers. As Jacksonville’s next mayor, I will lead an unprecedented now focus that would make our city the best place in America for small businesses to succeed!

To accomplish this, my administration like none before will concentrate efforts on proven fundamentals that we know will help existing small business prosper while attracting new, complimentary employers. These five fundamental principles include:

•Reduce the costs and obstacles of entrepreneurialism by lowering local taxes and regulatory burdens on small businesses

•Improve access to resources and information that can help emerging or expanding small businesses

•Work closely with local education leaders to ensure the availability of a skilled and educated workforce in our market

•Reform our economic development strategies to focus more on and promote clusters of mutually supportive entrepreneurialism

•Move aggressively to expedite the funding of crucial improvements at JaxPort that will help this economic engine create new jobs and reach its full potential.


Continuing to balance our city’s budget on the backs of hard-working tax payers is not an option. Mike Hogan is committed, without reservation, that he will not support any tax increase or new fees as mayor. Others will make this promise to get your support, but Mike has a proven tax-cutting record: – Working with Governor Jeb Bush, Mike Hogan voted to cut Floridian’s taxes during while in the legislature nearly $700 million.

Jacksonville’s families and business owners are already overburdened with millage increases, the doubling of our garbage fees, JEA rate increases along with storm water fees that have stretched the incomes of those who can least afford it. Mike Hogan will only fund essential services …all non- essential budget items are fair game; EVERYTHING is on the table!

Unreasonable JEA rate increases are paramount to tax hikes on Jacksonville families and businesses. As your mayor, Mike Hogan will appoint JEA Board members committed to rates that make sense and he will hold them accountable.


The prosperity of Jacksonville’s economy and our ability to recruit new businesses to our city are dependent upon our commitment to providing each and every one of our students with world class education opportunities.

As mayor, Mike Hogan will be your child’s greatest advocate in the classroom, demanding results and accountability from the system.

Jacksonville’s tax payers send their hard-earned tax dollars to Tallahassee each year and Mike Hogan will fight for the fair share our students deserve.

While the financial responsibility of educating our children rests with the state and the school board, Mike Hogan believes the actual responsibility lies with all of us; that we can and will change the trajectory of our children’s education; and that we will do it through good, old-fashioned hard work.

In his first weeks in office, Mike Hogan will create a school adoption program. He will convene a meeting of leaders from our churches, civic groups, and businesses and challenge them to adopt their local schools. It can and it does work, just look at Ruth N. Upson Elementary School in the Murray Hill neighborhood. The socioeconomic indicators scream to us that this school should be a failure. In fact, 81% of the children at Upson receive free or reduced lunch. However, for three straight years this school has received an “A” grade. Upson has fantastic leaders and teachers, but they also have a luxury that all schools should and can have: a community partner. Out of a spirit of compassion and pride, Murray Hill Baptist Church chose to adopt Upson during a time when it was not an “A” school, when it was not a source of neighborhood pride. They provide services as simple as monitoring classrooms while teachers take restroom breaks during testing. They make sure children have the supplies they need. They spend hundreds of hours tutoring. They make a difference and in turn, students achieve demonstrable, measureable results.

There are community partners across this city just willing and able to lend a hand, and Mike Hogan will provide the leadership and direction needed.


Public safety is a core function and must be a top priority of city government. Adequate funding of our assets and resources will take precedence.

Mike Hogan is proud to have the support of the men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line each and every day to protect our families and neighborhoods. Recognizing our current financial crisis, Mike Hogan has pledged that the sheriff and the state attorney will have the resources necessary to continue successful path to crime reduction we have experienced in recent years.


Jacksonville is a military town. We have thousands of veterans and active Military living in our city. My administration will continue to provide support and assistance to those have served our nation. We will work to continue our partnership with the Navy.

Homeporting a nuclear aircraft carrier at Naval Station Mayport is as much an issue of national security. Under my administration I will work with our congressional delegation and the Governor to secure the funds necessary to make this happen. The Navy supports this move; all that is lacking is the federal funding to make it happen. While the move will bring as estimated 8,000 jobs to our area, more importantly it is imperative to national security. The Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations all support this “strategic dispersal.” Congress must provide the funding and move past the regional politics which have slowed this process.
Military Affairs, Veterans and Disabled Services Division will be funded. This component of City government provides essential services not only to our veterans and active duty citizens, it assists individuals with disabilities within our community. These services are essential and will be funded.

As Mayor I will explore every opportunity for job creation and economic development within our City. Everything is on the table. I will continue to explore opportunities for partnering with the DOD to utilize our assets at the Cecil Commerce Center.

by Mike Hogan

Tomorrow: The Issues by Mayoral Candidate Alvin Brown