Improving the Riverfront at St. Vincents Medical Center

A small 'connectivity' project at St. Vincent's Medical Center promises to add a little life to Riverside's urban waterfront.
Anonymous Donor Envisions Respite Along the "Best Little Bend on the River"

An anonymous friend was visiting St. Vincent's one Saturday and watched as dozens of patients' family members came out of the hospital doors and went to Berg's Bistro.  The friend watched as dozens of associates, nurses, and others came back and forth with "to go" boxes.  Then one young woman left the hospital crying, catching the friend's attention.  The young woman sat outside Berg's and looked out at our beautiful river.  As the friend witnessed this, the desire was planted to make Berg's Bistro the "best little bend on the river" by improving the facilities, the landscaping and the front entrance, to reflect the excellence in medical care that we (St. Vincent's) offer.  "I want this to be an escape and the best respite for our nurses, and other caregivers during their busy day."

We are thankful for the generosity of spirit that makes this project 100% donor funded.

This small project is a great example of how to better integrate the public realm with interior private sector uses already in operation. If this concept could be applied on a larger scale throughout urban Jacksonville, we may find that our city is already more lively than it appears.

Article by Ennis Davis