2030 Mobility Plan: Development Zones

To ensure the creation of a successful multimodal transportation network, the incorporation of complementing land use objectives is a critical objective. Since our community is diverse in terms of neighborhood characteristics, age, building fabric, population density and needs, a location-based approach to integrating mobility and land use is imperative. Today Metro Jacksonville takes a look at the 2030 Mobility Plan's proposed location-based Land Use and Transportation Connection areas, which are described as 'Development Zones'
Understanding Mobility

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) defines "mobility" as "the ease with which people and goods move throughout their community, state and world."  This definition describes mobility from the user's perspective.  The intent of the 2030 Mobility Plan is to replace the transportation concurrency management system with a holistic mobility approach. The mobility approach combines a fee system with an emphasis on the land development pattern and transportation alternatives connection.

2030 Mobility Plan Objectives

There are two chief components to the mobility planning approach, this Mobility Plan and the supporting 2030 Multi-modal Transportation Study (January 2010).  The purpose of this dual approach is to built upon existing policies through the adoption of land use and transportation policies that support mobility, in partnership with the effective application of a new transportation improvement and mitigation funding mechanism.  Using this dual approach to tackle the growth management challenges facing Jacksonville, the objectives of the 2030 Mobility Plan are as follows:

1. Support a variety of transportation modes

2. Reduce vehicle miles traveled

3. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

4. Promote a compact and interconnected land development form

5. Improve the health and quality of life for Jacksonville residents

Development Zones

Location-based Land Use and Transportation Connection

The implementation strategies are location-based so as to effectively accomplish the plan’s objectives.  Five distinct, concentric Development Areas (one of which has already been adopted) have been created in order to apply the mobility fee, establish project priorities, and determine the appropriate land use criteria for each area.  These areas are the Downtown TCEA, the Urban Redevelopment Area (URA), the Urban Area (UA), the Suburban Area (SA), and the Rural Area (RA).  

The innermost location is the Downtown TCEA, adopted in 2005. This area has its own trip fee, implementation plan, and design guidelines which are included within the Comprehensive Plan as Appendix 1 to the Transportation Element (TE), with corresponding goals, objectives, and policies located throughout the Comprehensive Plan to support its designation and purpose. No change is being proposed for the Downtown TCEA, and aside from recognition of the geographic boundary, the Study and this Mobility Plan exclude the Downtown TCEA.  The Downtown TCEA Implementation Plan, adopted by Ordinance 2005-1242-E, is the performance tool for this area.

The four remaining areas serve a dual purpose.  Each area has its own land use criteria, illustrated within the future land use category descriptions of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE), as well as its own mobility fee assessment, which may be subdivided into mobility zones and based on the weighted average trip length within that area.  With the exception of the Downtown TCEA, the strategies within the 2030 Mobility Plan apply to all of the TCEA Development Areas equally.

Growth is incentivized more heavily within the urban areas and less heavily, if at all, in the outlying areas by pairing the TCEA Development Areas with the mobility fee trip reduction adjustments described in Section 2.2.1. The mobility fee trip reduction adjustments will enable greater incentives in the inner Development Areas and therefore act as a driving force to encourage infill and redevelopment in areas with the greatest potential to achieve the overall goal and intent of this plan.  Given this, the plan facilitates an environment that promotes market flexibility, supporting appropriate levels of density and intensity in areas that can and will accommodate such growth.  

The boundaries of these areas are shown and are described in brief below.

Downtown TCEA/CBD Development Area (Yellow area on map)

Downtown Jacksonville is not included in the Mobility Plan fee calculations.

This area encompasses the Downtown DRI TCEA/CBD.  Because the Downtown DRI was previously designated as a TCEA and has developed its own trip fee, implementation plan and design guidelines, it was excluded from the VMT and mobility fee calculations.  The average trip length within this area is the lowest in the City at 9.09 miles.

Urban Priority Area (UPA)(Light green area on map)

Historic pedestrian friendly neighborhoods like Brentwood make up the Urban Priority Area (UPA).

The UPA is the first tier Development Area and generally includes the historic core of the City and major connecting corridors. The intent of the UPA is to encourage revitalization and the use of existing infrastructure through redevelopment and infill development at high densities. Development is expected to employ urban development characteristics as further described in each future land use category description of the FLUE.  The UPA does not include the Central Business District Land Use Category/ Downtown TCEA boundaries.

The redevelopment of historic building stock (https://www.metrojacksonville.com/article/2010-jun-the-florida-lee-an-urban-core-preservation-success-) and the integration of new infill development projects, such as Jackson Square (https://www.metrojacksonville.com/article/2008-aug-jackson-square-controversy-brewing), will be encouraged throughout the UPA development area.

Urban Area (UA)(Dark green area on map)

Within the UA, where neighborhoods like Murray Hill exist, redevelopment and new infill will be encouraged at similar moderate pedestrian friendly densities.

The UA is the second tier Development Area and generally corresponds with the densely developed portions of the City that have been in residential or employment generating uses since consolidation. It also includes major corridors which connect the other Development Areas. Similar to the UPA, the intent of the UA is to encourage revitalization and the use of existing infrastructure through redevelopment and infill development, but at moderate urban densities which are transit friendly.  Also similar to the UPA, the UA is intended to support multimodal transportation and the reduction of per capita greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled.

Suburban Area (SA)(Red area on map)

Existing neighborhoods and subdivisions will be preserved in the SA development area while transit oriented development will be encouraged along mass transit corridors and major intersections.

The SA is the third tier Development Area and generally corresponds with the urbanizing portions of the City in areas that have usually been developed after consolidation. Development should generally continue at low densities with medium density development at major corridor intersections and transit stations. Development at these locations should promote a compact and interconnected land development form.

Rural Area (RA)(Blue area on map)

Rural, low density development that creates little demand for new major infrastructure projects will be encouraged in the RA development area. Urban sprawl will be discouraged.

The RA consists of all lands outside of the SA and corresponds with predominantly undeveloped portions of the City with land uses such as Agriculture, Recreation, Conservation, or Public Buildings Facilities. Development should occur at very low densities which create little demand for new infrastructure and community serving supporting uses, unless development occurs under the Multi-Use Category or as a Master Planned Community as defined in this element. Development may occur within the Rural Area provided that it is consistent with the Operational Provisions and the Land Use category descriptions. Otherwise, development beyond such boundaries is considered urban sprawl and is to be discouraged.

Read the full report in detail