A Vision For Jacksonville's Southside

Metro Jacksonville highlights the Guiding Principles of the City of Jacksonville's Southeast Vision Plan.
A Snapshot of the Southeast

Guiding Principles
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Guiding Principle One: Capitalize on the Southeast's Uniqueness

Guiding Principle Two: Promote Mixed-Use/Mixed-Income Redevelopment and Infill

Example: A Vision for Philips Highway

Arlington, VA's Rosslyn-Ballston corridor is standard for sustainable land use planning and Smart Growth development because it concentrates development along a transportation artery with more intense areas of development at important intersections that include transit stations.

As illustrated below, the corridor bears a striking geographic resemblance to Philips Highway and provides an existing example of what the corridor could become in the future.  Philips Highway's economic and activity centers, future transit, and sufficient land depth has the potential to create a compatible transition to adjacent neighborhoods while achieving growth.

The intersection of Philips Highway and JTB, reimagined as a mixed-use node centered around mass transit.

An example of a suburban site (the former Philips Mall) along Philips Highway, becoming walkable over time.

Before & After: Looking towards Philips Highway, along Emerson Street, from the FEC commuter rail corridor.

Guiding Principle Three: Provide a variety of Transportation Choices

Example: Reimagining Beach Boulevard

Guiding Principle Four: Provide for Economic Growth

Guiding Principle Five: Expand, Protect and Enhance Open Space

Example: Better Utilization of Existing Park Space - River Oaks Park