JTA To Move Forward with Philips Highway BRT Plan
Despite popular support for commuter rail linking Jacksonville with St. Augustine, JTA plans to move forward with bringing BRT to the corridor instead. Is this a mistake in the making that will hurt Jacksonville's chances of implementing a viable commuter rail corridor? Does JTA or Jacksonville even care?
About The BRT Southeast Corridor
Upcoming Public Hearing
BRT Southeast Corridor Scoping Booklet
For more information on the BRT Southeast Corridor Project:
Update by Ennis Davis
Now that the BRT bus rapid transit downtown infrastructure is in design/construction and the North Corridor Environmental Assessment (EA) study is nearing completion, the JTA continues to move with development of BRT in the Southeast area with the launch of the Southeast Corridor EA study.https://www.jtafla.com/JTAFuturePlans/Bus/Default.aspx?page=Southeast Corridor Study&pid=60
The study, similar to the north corridor EA, will examine potential impacts and options for implementing BRT improvements within the next 5-10 years for south of downtown from the Kings Avenue Skyway station to a multi-modal hub at the Avenues Walk.
Upcoming Public Hearing
Date: August 23, 2010https://www.jtafla.com/JTAfutureplans/Events.aspx
BRT Southeast Corridor Public Meeting
Time: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: Best Western-Southpoint
BRT Southeast Corridor Scoping Booklet
For more information on the BRT Southeast Corridor Project:
Update by Ennis Davis