Jacksonville's 2030 Mobility Plan

Over the next few weeks, Metro Jacksonville will highlight the details of Jacksonville's proposed 2030 Mobility Plan and show how the proposed infrastructure and land use changes could impact the development and quality of life of our community. Today, we will get started with a look at the 2030 Multimodal Transportation Study's Executive Summary.


Florida's Community Renewal Act (Senate Bill 360, SB 360), adopted in 2009, amended the Growth Management Act by removing state-mandated transportation concurrency requirements in areas designated as Transportation Concurrency Exception Areas or TCEAs.  Resulting from the definition of a "dense urban land area" or DULA provided within SB 360, the City of Jacksonville has been designated a TCEA. As outlined in Senate Bill 360, within two years after a TCEA becomes effective, local governments are required to amend their local comprehensive plans to include "land use and transportation strategies to support and fund mobility within the exception area, including alternative modes of transportation."

Local comprehensive plans must also comply with 163.3177, F.S., which requires the adoption of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy-efficient land use patterns. Pursuant to SB 360 and 163.3177, F.S., the City of Jacksonville Planning and Development Department has prepared a draft 2030 Mobility Plan.  

There are two chief components to the mobility planning approach, the draft 2030 Mobility Plan and the supporting 2030 Multimodal Transportation Study (January 2010). The purpose of this dual approach is to build upon existing policies through the adoption of land use and transportation policies that support mobility, in partnership with the effective application of a new transportation improvement and mitigation funding mechanism.


To make a long story short, the idea of investing in only roadway construction to deal with future mobility issues will no longer be considered acceptable.  The Mobility Plan gives Jacksonville the opportunity to create a funding mechanism that integrates mulitmodal transportation planning with land use strategies to combat unsustainable sprawl.

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Figure E-1 identifies existing (2008-2009) roadway volume/capacity ratio levels within the City of Jacksonville.  The roadway links with V/C levels of 1.00 and over are considered to be the most congested within the City of Jacksonville.

Figure E-2 identifies currently committed roadway and mass transit projects within the City of Jacksonville.  Committed projects are anticipated to receive some level of funding or begin construction by 2030.

Figure E-3 identifies the projected 2030 roadway volume/capacity ratio levels within the City of Jacksonville. The roadway links with a projected V/C level of 1.00 and over are anticipated to be relieved by the mobility plan by 2030.

Figure E-4 highlights proposed 2030 Multimodal Transportation Plan road and mass transit improvements by Development Zones. Future development projects that occur in zones further away from the urban core with suburban design characteristics will have to pay a higher mobility fee because those using these developments will contribute more to the destruction of the roadway infrastructure.  

Mobility fees will be lower for future projects that are constructed closer to the urban core and along mass transit corridors because those living, working and shopping in these developments will place less of a strain on Jacksonville's infrastructure network.

Figure E-5 highlights the projects that will receive funding during the mobility fee's first five years of implementation.  To give Jacksonville a realistic chance at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled, as well as encouraging transit friendly development, a viable mass transit system becomes a high priority.  With this in mind, commuter rail and streetcar starter lines have been included within the Five Year CIE.

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Table E-1 identifies proposed roadway improvements and capital costs within the 2030 Multimodal Transportation Study.  

Table E-2 identifies proposed transit improvements and capital costs within the 2030 Multimodal Transportation Study.  

Table E-3 breaks down the 2030 Multimodal Transportation Plan project costs by mode.

Table E-4 identifies the list of projects for the Five-Year Capital Improvements Element (CIE).  Under the current plan, $133.96 million would help fund the construction of initial commuter rail, streetcar, bicycle and pedestrian projects within the first five years of implementation.

For more information on the Mobility Plan and Multimodal Transportation Study: