Downtown Gas Station Plans Revised

Conceptual plans have been modified to better integrate a proposed gas station and convenience store along Main Street. If approved, this gas station will include a cafe/restaurant with outdoor dining and serving areas along Union and Main Streets.
Site Plan

The site plan shows the building located at the property lines on the frontage of Main Street and Union Street with the canopy and gas pumps to the north of the building facing Main Street and State Street. Plans also indicate the the gas station will be designed to include a cafe and outdoor seating patio at the corner of Main & Union Streets.

Project Renderings

Perspective rendering looking from Union Street.

A view of the convenience store's west elevation.

The Main Street elevation features a walk up window for the cafe along the sidewalk.

The Union Street elevation includes an entrance to the cafe and covered outdoor patio area.

SW view from Main Street. The gas station's pump and parking area will be partially shielded from Main Street with the use of fencing and landscaping.

Rear view of the project from State Street

Rear view of the project from State Street

The original plan, which has since been revised to include pedestrian friendly features.

Although insignificant in the grand scheme of things, the revised site plan for this proposed gas station illustrates how even automobile oriented uses can be planned to better fit within pedestrian friendly urban oriented settings.

Development update by Ennis Davis