The Courthouse is as Good as Dead

The Courthouse is Dead? Blockbuster new revelations from City Council Insiders claim the Mayor has given the Greenlight to killing the project.

According to revelations from inside sources at City Hall, and verified by two other political insiders, the Mayor's Office has been quietly contacting Council Members to tell them that if the Courthouse isn't built, it won't hurt his feelings.

If true, this would signify an ignonomous end to a project which was slightly over budget from the beginning, but whose costs have skyrocketed as time and inflation have risen upwards of several hundred million dollars.

"It was always a controversial project," said one insider from the previous administration, "It would only work if it was combined with the Better Jacksonville Plan" 

Andy Johnson, a very vocal bitter opponent of the BJP agreed. "There's no way the public would have voted to build this project, thats why they had to promise everything on earth to anybody who would listen in order to get it passed."

"There's nothing on earth to keep them from simply NOT building the courthouse, The only legally binding restriction (until they decide its no longer legally binding) is that they cannot spend that money on anything else.  However they can simply decide to no build the project and pay the bond off sooner."

"If they want to kill it, the mayor has the power to do it, and I guess thats what is happening."

Still another official reminded metrojacksonville that tens of millions have already been spent on the project, and that if the project had simply been built at the onset, then hundreds of millions would have already been saved, and it would already be open and functioning.

"There is no doubt that the price of building is NOT going to decrease if they delay.  Does anyone seriously think the Courthouse will be CHEAPER to build in five years?"

John Peyton is no stranger to construction or associated costs, no one knows better than he does about rising costs and the deflating dollar.   Stagnation, confusion and delay based on lack of leadership have already cost the taxpayers tens of millions on this project, not to mention the loss of several of downtowns more historic blocks, preventing any possible development on those properties for five years now.

If administrations and mayors are chiefly remembered by the landmarks and buildings they leave behind, then this one will be remembered for castrating the downtown and leaving a seven block crater in the middle of the city.


Stephen Dare
