Bus Shelters Done Right

Once again, Jacksonville has proven incapable of implementing simple solutions to solve simple problems. Now that bus shelter advertising has been rejected, let's take a look at some viable and attractive solutions we should have taken advantage of.

Recent discussions regarding bus shelters and how to fund them here in Jacksonville prompted a Metro Jacksonville investigative trip to Boston, MA.

How is Boston able to provide attractive bus shelters and signage to its transit users? Do they let their riders stand out in the sun, rain, and in their case, snow? The answer is a resounding No.

Boston has teamed up with Wall-USA, an international firm with a division based in Boston. Wall-USA has an attractive selection of bus shelters, street furniture, public restrooms, kiosks, public phones, and wayfaring signage that cities can choose from to have installed.

Wall USA installs, maintains, cleans, and sells the advertising for everything they install. Public restrooms are cleaned three times daily.

So far, Wall-USA has contracted with Boston, St. Louis, and several cities overseas.

Real World Evaluation 

How do these products stack up in the real world? A quick investigative trip to Boston shows some very positive results.

Copley Square - Downtown Boston

These shelters are used throughout the city, not just downtown. 

Every shelter has a route map and system schedules. 

Boston has provided their transit riders with extremely functional and attractive shelters and street furniture, funded soley by dollars generated from advertising.


Welcome back to Jacksonville. Apparently we like our bus stops as they are.

Urban Jacksonville
 photo of current conditions at a bus stop in Springfield.

There is no excuse. 

More information about Wall-USA and their city products.