Five Steps to a Successful JTA Meeting

Five Steps to a Successful JTA Meeting.

  1. Use a comment card system to better control any "rogue questions" from the public. This will allow maximum control over the questions that are asked.
  2. Any citizen that would like to ramble on about their life story is free (even encouraged) to do so for as long as they would like. It burns time and requires no response.
  3. If a question is asked that would require an unpopular response, simply change the question and answer the new question in a very long winded fashion. In the unlikely event the citizen states that the answer was not satisfactory, simply state you are out of time and must move on to many others (use your large stack of comment cards as a visual).
  4. When a citizen questions the overall plan, including project costs, timeline, and feasibility, take immediate evasive action. Any of the following are acceptable:
    • Confuse the issue by comparing the BRT to other cities subways and trains.
    • Give creative examples of cities that demanded buses over rail systems.
    • Make use of long winded responses and talk in circles. This includes talking over the citizen before they have the chance to break into your talking loop and potentially exposing you to more questions.
    • Waste enough time until it is considered reasonable to "move on" to another question (hopefully someone is anxiously waiting to tell their life story).
  5. Promptly end meeting at designated end time, regardless of remaining concerns from the public. Collect all materials, shut off lights, and lock doors. Declare a BRT victory.

Meeting adjourned.

JTA finds themselves in the unique position of having transit supporters speak out against them. They have turned their biggest proponents into their biggest opponents.

The JTA BRT meetings are a complete charade. Any serious questions regarding project cost, timeline, routes, and neighborhood integration are left completely unanswered. At this point, JTA has no plan other than to start haphazardly acquiring large pieces property throughout Jacksonville.

This will effectively remove large parcels, which include office parks and shopping centers, off of the tax rolls and into JTA's hands. The money designated for transit by the Better Jacksonville Plan will be used to land bank property, leaving Jacksonville with no transit improvements and less tax revenue.

JTA, this plan is a disaster.