The Barnett vs. Riverwatch Tower
Last week it was revealed that both One12 and the proposed Riverwatch tower are under contract to sell to a hotel development company. This company plans to evaluate the pros and cons of each site and then select one to convert into a hotel.
Riverwatch at City Centre
If chosen:
1. Possible +30 story addition to the heart of the Northbank skyline
2. Would become a four or five star hotel
3. Eliminates one of the largest surface lots in the Northbank
4. Introduces street level retail and dining facing the Landing.
The Barnett Building (One12)
If chosen:
1. A 10 story garage with street retail will be constructed at Laura and Adams Street.
2. Would become an extended-stay hotel.
3. Would become a major anchor along the Laura/Adams corridor possibly fueling retail growth beyond the waterfront.
4. Would become the only large scale hotel operation based in a historic building in Jacksonville.
If it were up to you, which location would be best for downtown?