A flip-flop, flippity-flop on the Snyder Memorial Building
I know many people have called Peyton a flip-flopper -- one who just cannot make up his mind on issues. I think part of the reason is he is just an ineffective leader in general. I think a larger reason though is that he is surrounded by a good old boy system and advisors who subscribe to this backwater form of government. So they tell him, "Yeah, it would be OK to just give this property away...no one will care." And he follows their advice and it blows up in his face again. But still, it is his fault. He chose his advisors and every day makes a decision whether to continue following their advice.
Getting back to the idea of just giving city land away. A free gift here and there - why should the taxpayers care? Especially with a huge surplus in our county budget. We do still have that surplus, right? Oh yeah - that was under the last mayor.
Synder Fun Fact:
The city is getting raped by contractor J. Register Co., Inc. who is replacing the roof of the historic building. They are only charging the city $385,000.00. For a roof replacement.
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