Taylor Hardwick wants meeting

Taylor Hardwick wants meeting to discuss Friendship Fountain Mr. Hardwick apparently called the JEDC office to get a meeting with Ron Barton, and Barton’s assistant told him no way. So Hardwick emailed Barton directly. Barton then emails back and says, surely his assistant didn’t tell Hardwick it would be impossible to set up a meeting. Barton then says that he will set up the meeting and also invites Mike Saylor. Mike Saylor, City Planning Director, then sends an email replying to Barton telling him that Hardwick is probably confused because of an “inaccurate portrayal”, of the City’s plans, on the internet. Barton writes Saylor back and says that “This job is hard enough without misinformation being floated.”
How is this problem solved? Simple. Wiles, Barton, Saylor & Co. simply need to be more forthcoming with public information and their plans (information) and there might be signficantly less misinformation “being floated”. Emails follow from most recent to oldest….


We are setting it up and please join us. This job is hard enough without misinformation being floated.

Ron Barton

>>> Michael Saylor 04/14/06 5:24 PM >>>
 Ron, the note from Taylor is likely a result from an inaccurate portrayal of the City’s intent being circulated on the internet. If you want me to sit in with you two, I’ll do so.


>>> Ron Barton 04/14/06 11:19 AM >>>
 Thank you for your note. I am sure that Karen did not represent that a meeting with me is impossible. I would be pleased to meet with you although the actual Fountain and Park are the responsibility of the Parks Department. I will make sure that the new Parks Director (John Culbreth) will be in our meeting as well. In addition as I clarified with the Southside Business Men’s Club earlier this week no one is proposing to destroy the fountain and the park. I am sure given your past involvement that you will agree that continuing to identify ways to modernize, renovate and more actively engage the public in the use of this great community asset would be a worthy objective. The Fountain has been a great amenity for our community for over 40 years lets just move that wonderful water feature into this century so that it will engage and attract people to downtown for the next 40 years. My assistant will call you to set up a meeting.

Ron Barton

>>> “Taylor Hardwick” < th@taylorhardwick.com > 04/14/06 9:00 AM >>>

Mr. Barton:

As architect of the 1965 Friendship Park and fountain I feel I must respond to proposals to destroy what is left of the original 14-acre park — the fountain and pump house. I call your attention to the original design, as completed in 1965, which appears on my website, https://www.taylorhardwick.com .

The fountain is a popular landmark in our city which can be seen from all angles by travelers and citizens living and working here. It would be a grave error to eliminate this landmark.

I have requested an interview with you through Karen Nasrallah who told me such a meeting would be impossible.
 However; I encourage you to consider restoring the fountain to my original design, rather than destroying it.

I urge you to telephone me so we can discuss (285-2544).

Looking forward to meeting you,

Taylor Hardwick