No Parking Problem Downtown
![ticket15](wp-content/uploads/2006/04/parking tickets 0151.thumbnail.jpg)
Driver comments: “This is insane! I work for the city!”
Driver comments: “This is ridiculous. Its why I don’t come downtown”
Driver comments: “No big deal, its just a ticket. I never come down here enough for it to matter anyways”
Driver comments: refused to speak to anyone. Angrily got in car.
Driver comments: no comment
Driver comments: no comment
Driver comments: “F****** Bull****! followed by attempt to snatch camera and angry drive off
Driver comments: no comment
Driver comments: no comment, notice the flyer and its ironic invitation…..concidence?
Driver comments: In response to the question: Does this give you a positive feeling about downtown? “Are you crazy?!” We added that Terry Lorrince of Downtown Vision felt that people liked the parking fines and that they made people more comfortable with parking downtown. Her response: “Are you kidding? That Bit** must be insane!”
Driver comments: Not observed.
And the flyer that was placed next to every single ticket almost as though at the same time?
An invitation to a Library “Parking Party” or more correctly a solicitation to use the happy services of Republic Parking Lot.
Inside the library, we could find no one who was sponsoring a Parking Party with Republic Parking.
Richard Knox